Thanksgiving 2016 or Costa Rica with interruptions


We planned to join Thea, Eric and their whole crew for their yearly family surf vacation in Nosara, Costa Rica, BUT I landed a last minute Verizon job with Geordie Stephens from Tool of North America.  It was pretty mellow at first but ended up Nuking Lily’s Birthday, 11/18, and the first three days of the Costa Rica trip.  Sad.  I’m never sure what the right choice is, but I am taking the work when it comes right now.  Verizon was fine, maybe a bit harder than it might have been.



I flew to Costa Rica Weds 11/23 and then took a puddle jumper to Nosara from Liberia.  It was a very easy trip and I was very ready to join them after my 3 day Solitary confinement ( I don’t do well without them.)  The Harmony Hotel was mellow and perfect, we hung out at the beach, chilled by the pool, and surfed a few times a day.  There were amazing sunsets, fueled by the impending Hurricane, that kind of never came to pass in our area, and drinks on the beach followed by long chatty dinners of fresh Latin-y fare. Turns out I like Costa Rica.