Craig Watts vs PERDUE


Chris and I are in North Carolina shooting Craig Watts.  He is a contract chicken farmer for Perdue.  He recently released a video of the conditions in his barns that is a shocking testament to the state of factory farming in the world. The video has been picked up by countless media outlets including Nicolas Kristof of the NYTimes and Maryn McKenna in Wired.  He has a strong ally and partner in Leah Garces from Compassion in World Farming.  When you are with these guys you understand how bad this system really is and how their work so far could really trigger deep changes in a very broken system.  The suffering and horror in his barns, top rated by Perdue, is staggering.  If enough people understand what is going on, and demand change by NOT buying these birds, then the big poultry cartels will have to think about something besides their wallets.  It’s not just animal welfare, it is the financial preying on the farmers that would shock anyone who takes a close look.  Another example of corporate greed uber alles.  Read any of these below for more: