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I am in the middle of a long Nike “branded content” commercial thingy with our friend Tricia Brock.  There are, of course, many many photos I could post but I chose these three.  The first is the obligatory still from a scene we shot in one of the character’s (Lily) apartment, the second is our cool wardrobe person, Kasia.  I haven’t even really met her but I am kind of obsessed with her because, as you can see, she is very cool.  Also she just finished “Bridge of Spies” Spielberg’s new movie which is both really good and seems so far from my show biz world that I can hardly believe it.  Finally this is a location that we shot on the roof of our location.  Every other view on this roof takes in all of the glory of NYC, but I keep being very interested in how all of these shapes stack up and feel like they could be in any country in the world.  Of all the views from here I like this one best.  Maybe that is why Spielberg seems so far away.