Enrique Olvera runs a place called Pujol in Mexico City that is super fancy, super pricey, and usually really really good. A normal guy cannot get in there without setting it up way in advance but producers on jobs always seem to entertain the client there, so I get to go. Recently EO opened a place in NYC called Cosme that is also impossible to get into, much more casual, and, I hear, really good. I gave up trying to get in. Then a place called Atla shows up on Lafayette St. and it looks at first a little like a Chopt or something, but the word get around and I go there with Michael Lavine one day and it is great. Turns out it is Olvera’s second even more casual place. It is not a home run, but it is very very good and has very un American Mexican food that is always surprising and always exciting. Plus they have a million Mexcals which are cool right now. Try it.
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