
Blog- youth

Since arriving in Toronto I have seen:

Star Wars The Force Awakens 3D IMAX

The Hateful Eight

The Revenant

and finally Youth, by Paolo Sorrentino.

Those first three are major blockbusters premiering in award’s season and not one of them affected me as much or was nearly as enjoyable as Youth.

Maybe it’s my age, my style, the times, I don’t know but I’m pretty clear now where I stand.  I put off going to Youth hoping to be wowed by one of the others, but I wasn’t.

My favorite scene takes place in a shop full of cuckoo clocks when a young girl recalls the scene that Paul Dano’s character acted in a movie and tells him that she learned that “nobody feels up to it” from watching the scene.

As far as I’m concerned Paolo S. is two for two in the movie department.